Saturday, October 7, 2017

Factorio AAR Part 1

Hello! I started this Factorio (steam link) AAR a few weeks ago and posted it on a gaming forum that I frequent. Given that the forum itself is behind a registration block, I'm reposting the content here. The nature of the reposting and this site's somewhat lackluster formatting options means that some of it may feel a little out of whack. Still, shouldn't need more than a little leeway for the read to still be enjoyable.

To explain the format a little, an AAR (stands for After Action Report) where the writer plays the game and effectively narrates what happens from the perspective of the ingame persona. The narration uses both pictures and the written word to tell what is hopefully a good story.

If anyone is interested too, feel free to message me if you want to hop in and play with me. The multiplayer experience with this game is quite good, and I heartedly recommend people give it a go. There's plenty to do, even if you're completely new to the game, and I can give a decent tutorial if you're interested. It even has a demo version if you're on the fence about buying!

I've got two mods for this run. Resource Spawner Overhaul (RSO) to spread out resources and make for a better looking map, and Space Extension (SpaceX) that extends the end game a bit so I have time to play with all the fancy end stuff while still having a meaningful goal.

As well, I'm playing on the "deathworld" setting. Enemies are more plentiful, power up quicker, and are more of a pain. In addition, everything is more expensive, and research takes 4 times as much time and resources. Essentially though, it's the same game as normal, but a little stretched out.

I hope anyone that reads this enjoys! It's been fun to make so far, and I'd love to know that others enjoyed reading too.

1st Log Entry:
That lake wasn't quite so big before we got here
Well, that was unexpected. I take a quick nap and find that we've crashed down on a planet the ship's log has named "Nauvis". Everyone else was content to sit back and play video games while we waited for rescue, but not me. "It's crazy for one person to build an FTL ship" they said. I'll show them! How hard can it be? I've got my trusty engineering suit, some scrap metal from the ship, and a condensed copy of space-wikipedia. I've got this nooooo problem.
First step is to get production started and the electricity running. I'd prefer not to be alone out here in the dark and I'll need the soothing glow of molten metal to get a good night's sleep.

2nd Log Entry:
Have you ever paid attention to the idea of compound interest? I didn't pay much attention to most of the economics class, but I did remember some of those equations. Money=Principal*(rate+1)^year. Each year you add on the money you've made, and then make money off of that money. Who doesn't like free money? The base at this stage works on the same principle, except instead of money, I've got iron. I start with a single drill for iron ore, combine that with wood in a furnace and I have iron. Take that iron and make a new drill, and now I have two drills that are both making iron. Continue on, and then I have loads of iron, enough to make a big honkin steam generator to produce electricity.

Or maybe that's how investing works and not savings? Either way, I have more iron now than I did earlier, which is great. Electricity means I can make better drills. Ones that can support two furnaces instead of one, and don't need to be refueled manually. As long as the boiler keeps making steam, I'll be great. The old drills get relegated to coal mining duty. Can't waste good drills.

Up north we have other drills, fueled by cutting a road through the trees. Good times. All too soon we have too much money iron for me to use all by myself. Even I can only do so much by myself. The solution is to build assembly machines that will build things for me. The new problem is not knowing how to make them. Thankfully space-wikipedia has enough of the information to make do. Getting useful info means unzipping the bits I need and do some other fiddly bits in order to make them useful. Bad news is it'll take awhile, but the good news is I can automate the process, which we'll call "researching".

All the essentials set up, we can continue using our resources at an expanding rate to further expand the base itself. Preferably, it'd be nice if more things could be automated, as I'm lazy. Relatively. The real lazies are sitting at the bottom of the lake playing useless old historical simulators. Crusader Kings 3 is one I heard over the radio once. Me I've got work to do.
[Dan here, more pictures:]
Starting mass production of plates. Ore+coal comes from the south up through the trees
Paving lets me go faster, but I don't produce as much as I'd like, so only small sections to start. Hopefully you can see the start of the factory here.​

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